Britain’s Best: 2009 Bentley Continental GT Speed
By Alex Taylor IIIDoes driving a car that carries an MSRP of $227,205 guarantee you are going to love it immediately?Not me. By the time you cross the...
英國最佳車型:2009賓利歐陸GT Speed
作者:Alex Taylor III駕駛一輛廠家指導價(MSRP)高達227,205美元的汽車是否意味著你一定會馬上愛上它?我可不會這樣。一旦跨過100,000美元大關,高價所暗含的特殊性通常意味著你獲得了有缺陷的人體工程學設計、劣等的控件和儀表以及擁有貴重物品所帶來的普遍不安(即便是暫時的)。所以...
Best and worst CEO buzz of 2009
Fortune commissioned a statistical analysis of blogosphere chatter to discover which chiefs of Fortune 500 companies garnered the most buzz this year,...
Investing in the world's best balance sheets
FORTUNE -- At the G20 summit in Toronto last month, the leaders of world's largest economies embraced a brave new theme: Halting the alarming, potenti...
The fate of legendary car brands
It used to be so simple: Cars painted racing green were British, red cars were Italian. Now Tata owns Jag, and Volvo is being shopped to the Chinese. ...
David Ogilvy’s best advice for business
By Patricia SellersDavid Ogilvy, arguably the most influential advertising man in history, died 10 years ago today.Measured by his creativity, Ogilvy ...
Goldman Sachs CEO’s best advice
By Patricia SellersLloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs (GS), phoned from Madrid a few weeks ago to share “The Best Advice I Ever Got.” This is t...
High frequency traders' next target: the speed of light
Observations, questions, and commentary on today's business news headlines:? Here's a big question: Does the euro really make sense? When a country ge...
作者: Alex Taylor III黑色底盤,紅色車身,日產(Nissan)GT-R跑車停在我的車道上,就像一頭來自外星的怒獸。它沒有優雅的外形和曲線,只有直截了當的目標。這款車的設計宗旨是戰勝在德國著名的紐博格林賽道(Nürburgring)上馳騁的其他世界頂級跑車。不管能否完成使命,GT-R都...